«Flickering action at a distance» was confirmed to persist between top quarks

Physicists have delved deeper into the enigmatic world of quantum entanglement and top quarks, bringing a new level of understanding to a phenomenon that even Albert Einstein found perplexing.

This remarkable achievement has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the quantum realm and its far-reaching implications.

Entanglement continues between unstable top quarks

The experiment, conducted by a team of researchers led by University of Rochester physics professor Regina Demina at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), has yielded an important result.

For the first time, they observed continuous entanglement between unstable top quarks and their antimatter partners at distances greater than can be covered by information transferred at the speed of light.

«Confirmation of quantum entanglement between the heaviest fundamental particles, the top quarks, has opened a new way to explore the quantum nature of our world at energies far beyond what is currently achievable,» the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Collaboration reported in CERN.

The heavyweights of the particle world

Top quarks reign as the heaviest fundamental particles known in the universe. They belong to the quark family, which consists of six «flavors»: up, down, charm, strange, up and down.

Among them, the top quark stands out because of its incredible mass, which is comparable to that of a gold atom.

Discovery of top quarks

Scientists first predicted the existence of top quarks in the 1970s, but it took nearly two decades for experimental confirmation.

In 1995, researchers at the Fermilab Tevatron collider in Illinois, USA, finally observed top quarks in high-energy particle collisions.

This discovery completed the three generations of quarks predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics.

Top Quarks: Transient Existence

These particles have extremely short lives, decaying almost immediately after their creation.

They only exist for about 5 × 10^-25 seconds before changing into other particles, such as down quarks or W bosons.

This transient existence makes studying top quarks a challenging endeavor, requiring highly sophisticated particle accelerators and detectors.

Top quarks and the Higgs boson

Because of their large mass, top quarks can only be produced in high-energy particle collisions. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is one of the few facilities capable of generating the energies needed to create top quarks.

By colliding with protons at nearly the speed of light, the LHC offers scientists a window into the world of these elusive particles.

Top quarks play a crucial role in the study of the Higgs boson, another fundamental particle discovered at the LHC in 2012.

The Higgs boson is responsible for giving mass to other particles, and its interactions with top quarks are of particular interest to physicists.

By studying these interactions, researchers can gain deeper insights into the nature of mass and the inner workings of the universe.

Gateway to new physics

Beyond their role in the Standard Model, top quarks serve as a potential gateway to new physics. Many theories that go beyond the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry, predict the existence of new particles that can be produced in association with top quarks.

Quantum Realm: The Tale of King Top and Anti-Top

To explain the complex concept of entanglement, Demina used a clever analogy in a video about CMS social media channels. She described an indecisive king of a distant land whom she called «King Top».

As the king recounts his decisions in preparation for an invasion, no one knows what his next move will be – except the leader of a village known as «Anti-Top».

«They know each other’s mood at any moment,» explained Demina.

Implications for quantum information science

The phenomenon of entanglement has become a cornerstone of quantum information science, a rapidly growing field with major implications in areas such as cryptography and quantum computing.

While top quarks themselves are unlikely to be used in building quantum computers due to their large mass and the high energies required to produce them, studies like Demina’s could provide valuable insights into the nature and duration of confusion.

Theorists believe that the universe was in a confused state after the initial phase of rapid expansion. The new result observed by Demina and her team may help scientists understand what led to the loss of quantum entanglement in our world.

By studying how long entanglement lasts, whether it transitions into particle decay products, and what ultimately breaks the entanglement, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the quantum nature of our universe.

The future of quantum entanglement and top quarks

In summary, this important experiment performed by Regina Demina and her team at CERN has opened new avenues to explore the fascinating world of quantum entanglement.

By observing the persistence of entanglement between unstable top quarks at incredible distances, they have taken an important step toward unraveling the mysteries of the quantum realm.

Their findings shed light on the nature and duration of entanglement, while paving the way for future research that could revolutionize our understanding of the universe’s quantum past and its profound impact on fields such as quantum information science.

As physicists continue to push the boundaries of what we know about the quantum world, discoveries like these bring us closer to unlocking the secrets of the thrilling entanglement that lies at the heart of our reality.

Collaborative effort

Demina’s research group, consisting of her, graduate student Alan Herrera, and postdoctoral fellow Otto Hindrichs, conducted their experiment at CERN, the world’s largest particle physics laboratory.

Producing top quarks requires the immense energy available at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), where high-energy particles are sent whirling around a 17-mile underground track at nearly the speed of light.

The full study was published in CMS Physics Analysis Survey.


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Image Source : www.earth.com

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